====== How do I run a job for longer than allowed? ====== Sometimes it is necessary to run a job for longer than the defaults for a partition allow. In these cases we recommend you follow these steps: * Write your //SBATCH// job with the runtime you need (not what the partition limits you to; e.g. if you need 60 hours and the partition only allows up to 48, then set //60// hours in your script) * Submit your job to the scheduler with the --hold syntax; $ sbatch --hold myscript * Your job will be submitted, but not scheduled. * Take a note of the new Job ID and submit a service request ticket via the [[http://nuservice.ncl.ac.uk|NUIT ITService]] self-service system. * Tell us why you are requesting the extension and include the Job ID. * As long as your supporting rationale is reasonable, one of the RSE team will arrange to apply the extended runtime to your job, and then release it to be scheduled. ---- [[:faq:index|Back to FAQ]]