====== Connect to Rocket ====== ===== Requirements to connect on-campus ===== * Membership of an existing HPC Project group * Your university username and password * SSH client * e.g. OpenSSH or similar on linux / MacOS * e.g. Mobaxterm, PuTTY, command line SSH in latest Windows 10/11 versions ===== Requirements to connect off-campus ===== * Access to unix.ncl.ac.uk as an SSH gateway * Your university username and password * 2 factor ‘push’ authentication set up * Membership of the access group for unix.ncl.ac.uk * Authenticate via AMA portal before connection (max 23 hours) * Ssh client configured to use unix.ncl.ac.uk as ssh gateway / jump host Key-based authentication is permitted but no longer required (Jan 2025) Linux On Campus (wired or WiFi campus network) ssh username@rocket.hpc.ncl.ac.uk See https://services.ncl.ac.uk/itservice/research/hpc/access-connecting/ for more detail