====== Getting Started ====== ===== Do I Need HPC? ===== Not all types of compute or workflow can benefit from the use of HPC facilities. We provide a description of the main types of compute facilities you can access at Newcastle University, and which of those facilities are the most suitable for various types of computational work. * [[:started:do_i_need_hpc|What Are My Compute Options?]] ---- ===== Registering ===== The ways you can request a new HPC project, and how funded and unfunded projects differ. * [[:started:register|How Do I Register?]] * [[:started:paying|Do I Have to Pay?]] ---- ===== Connecting ===== In addition to the normal methods of connecting shown below, the **Comet** HPC facility offers the ability to connect to interactive applications such as R Studio, Jupyter and Matlab (amongst others). For more information see our [[:advanced:interactive|Open On-Demand and interactive applications]] guide in the [[:advanced:index|Advanced Topics]] section. * [[:started:connecting_onsite|Connecting to HPC - On Campus]] * [[:started:connecting_offsite|Connecting to HPC - Off Campus]] * [[:started:data_transfer|Transferring Data]] ---- ===== Basic HPC Concepts ===== This section explores basic HPC concepts, explains how they differ to desktop computing environments, the common software tools which are used and how they can benefit different types of compute requirements. Understanding the concepts presented in this section will allow you to make more effective use of our HPC resources. * [[:started:concepts|Basic HPC Concepts]] - Why is it different? What can it do? What can it not do? * [[:started:module_basics|Introduction to software modules]] - Loading software on HPC * [[:started:slurm_basics|Introduction to Slurm]] - What are these tools? * [[:started:filesystems|Data and HPC Filesystems]] - Where should I work? Where should I store my data? ---- ===== Your First HPC Job ===== * [[:started:first_job|Writing Your First HPC Job]] ---- ===== HPC Resources & Jobs ===== * Available HPC Resources * [[:started:resource_overview|Resources and Partitions]] - How are resources organised? * [[:started:rocket_resources|Resources and Partitions - Rocket]] * [[:started:comet_resources|Resources and Partitions - Comet]] * Typical HPC Job Types * [[:started:job_simple|Single serial job]] * [[:started:job_ram|Single large (memory and ram) job]] * [[:started:job_long|Long running serial job]] * [[:started:job_parallel|Multi-node parallel job]] For more types of job customisation, see our [[:advanced:slurm|Advanced Slurm Job Optimisation]] page under the [[:advanced:index|Advanced Topics]] section. ---- ===== Further Help ===== If you have reached this far you should be able to log in to our HPC facilities, navigate around the various filesystems and launch most common types of Slurm jobs. For further information, including optimising your Slurm settings, guidance on specific software packages, containers and interactive desktop sessions, please see our [[:advanced:index|Advanced Topics]] section: * [[:advanced:index|Advanced Topics]] ---- === Recent Changes === These pages have recently been **changed** or **updated** within the //Getting Started// section: {{changes>ns=started&count=15&type=edit&render=pagelist}}