====== Training & Workshops ====== The RSE team run a number of training events and workshops that can help new users, or those returning to Linux/Unix or HPC after some time away. Our workshops are listed here: * https://rse.ncldata.dev/events * https://workshops.ncl.ac.uk/ Please let us know if you have specific training requirements which are not met by any of our existing material - we will be happy to discuss options for your bespoke needs. ---- ====== Self Study Materials ===== In addition to the technical documentation on this site we make available all of our workshop training material on a self-study basis. * https://nclrse-training.github.io/hpc-intro-rocket/ ---- === Recent Changes === These pages have recently been **changed** or **updated** within the //Training & Workshops// section: {{changes>ns=training&count=15&type=edit&render=pagelist}}