Table of Contents

Advanced Topics

This section of the documentation contains information and guides on subjects which are more useful to users who are already using the HPC facilities to run jobs.

Here you can find information gathered from real-world examples of problems and use-cases the HPC community at Newcastle has encountered.

Slurm & Resources

Optimisation of Slurm job parameters for specific workloads.


Categories of software, help, scripts and guides for individual applications.

Interactive Sessions & Graphical Applications

Using HPC resources for interactive sessions and graphical applications; including R-Studio, Jupyter, Matlab and compute-intensive Linux desktop applications.

Advanced SSH Topics

Container Technology

How to use container tools such as Docker, Apptainer and Podman on our HPC facilities.

External HPC Facilities

If you need access to more resources than available on Newcastle University HPC facilities, or with different, more specialised equipment, there are a range of Tier 2 and Tier 1 facilities which may be available to you.

Recent Changes

These pages have recently been changed or updated within the Advanced Topics section:

Flower2025/03/18 14:55John Snowdon
Advanced Software Topics2025/03/18 14:50John Snowdon
Anaconda2025/03/11 15:43John Snowdon