Ansys Fluent is the industry-leading fluid simulation software known for its advanced physics modeling capabilities and industry leading accuracy.
Fluent is available as part of our Newcastle University licensing agreement to all users of the HPC facilities.
The use of Fluent on the HPC facilities is primarily intended to be via command line, for batch processing of models and associated data sets. We do not support any interactive/graphical use of Fluent at this time.
To access the Fluent commands, please load the associated Fluent module:
module load ANSYS
There are often multiple versions of Ansys Fluent installed. To see which are available, run:
$ module avail ANSYS --------------------------------------- /path/to/software/ --------------------------------------- ANSYS/17.0 ANSYS/18.1 ANSYS/19.4 ANSYS/2020-R2 ANSYS/2021 ANSYS/2022-R1 ANSYS/2024R1 (D) Where: D: Default Module
The default version will be marked with (D) (in the above example; 2024 R1). To use any other version (in this case; 2022 R1) use the variant:
module load ANSYS/2022-R1
Fluent jobs can run on either a single node, using a core per task, or across multiple nodes.
Running Fluent on a single node (aka a server) is the easiest method, but you are limited by the resources available on that single node.
The example below allocates:
Adjust the values as needed.
#SBATCH --workdir=/your/working/dir/ # Request a single physical server #SBATCH --nodes=1 # Request 32 parallel tasks per server #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=32 # Request 1 cores per task (32 tasks x 1 core per task x 1 node == 32 total cores) #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 # Set requested amount of memory #SBATCH --mem=128G # Request 8 hours of runtime #SBATCH --time=08:00:00 # Set partition/queue # defq allows up to 2 days of runtime #SBATCH --partition=defq # Load the ansys software environment module load ANSYS/2024R1 # Now run ansys.... # -i : the name of your input file # -gu and -driver null : to disable the graphical user interface # -t : to spawn up to the ntasks you specified above # myfluentjob.jou : the name of your Fluent journal file # Set SIMVARIANT to your selected workload type: # 2d, 2ddp, 3d or 3ddp SIMVARIANT=2d fluent $SIMVARIANT -i myfluentjob.jou -gu -t$SLURM_NTASKS -driver null
Submit the job as sbatch
Multi-node Fluent jobs can take advantage of more resources simultaneously, but the script is a little more complex.
#SBATCH --workdir=/your/working/dir/ # Request a single physical server #SBATCH --nodes=4 # Request 32 parallel tasks per server #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=32 # Request 1 cores per task (32 tasks x 1 core per task x 4 nodes == 128 total cores) #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 # Set requested amount of memory (this is per node; so 128G x 4 nodes == 512GB total) #SBATCH --mem=128G # Request 8 hours of runtime #SBATCH --time=08:00:00 # Set partition/queue # defq allows up to 2 days of runtime #SBATCH --partition=defq # Load the ansys software environment module load ANSYS/2024R1 # Now run ansys.... # -i : the name of your input file # -gu and -driver null : to disable the graphical user interface # -t : to spawn up to the ntasks you specified above # myfluentjob.jou : the name of your Fluent journal file # Set SIMVARIANT to your selected workload type: # 2d, 2ddp, 3d or 3ddp SIMVARIANT=2d # Running on normal nodes (not low-latency) fluent $SIMVARIANT -gu -slurm -t$SLURM_NTASKS -ssh -pdefault -i myfluentjob.jou # If running on low-latency nodes (uses infiniband inter-process communication) #fluent $SIMVARIANT -gu -slurm -t$SLURM_NTASKS -ssh -pinfiniband -i myfluentjob.jou
Note: Multi node example taken from
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