This portal has been developed by the Research Software Engineering team to support the HPC community at Newcastle University.
We are passionate about the use of open-source tools and technologies. Some of the tools we have used to build this application are listed below.
All of our core business logic and processing is written in the Python programming language.
We use the Django web framework.
We use the popular Boostrap toolkit for HTML layout and user interface functionality.
CSS styles used in this website are based on those published on
Icons used throughout this website are sourced from the Font Awesome Free collection.
We use JQuery for several interactive UI components of this website.
We use DataTables in parts of this website for representation of tabular data.
We have used the Stable Diffusion / SD / SD-XL models to generate the artwork seen on the front page of the portal and used as a banner across the top of many other pages.
We use Chart.js to render visualisation of performance and utilisation data for HPC projects and system resources.