The HPC service is shared between many users and it is easy for one person to cause problems for others. You are expected to behave in a considerate way when you use the service.
The HPC facilities are provided to allow Newcastle University staff and students to undertake computational work as part of their teaching or coursework related to academic studies at the University, or as part of research being conducted within Newcastle University.
It is not permitted to use the facilities for personal gain or for commercial activities unrelated to those which are sanctioned by the University as part of teaching or research.
You may have heard the phrase Trusted Research Environment, here are some descriptions that attempt to explain it:
Trusted research environments (TREs) enable researchers to gain access to data in a safe way.
Trusted Research Environments (TREs) are highly secure and controlled computing environments that allow approved researchers from authorised organisations a safe way to access, store, and analyse sensitive data remotely.
Trusted Research Environments (TRE) are platforms for analysing data which protects privacy.
If any of these descriptions fit the work you intend to carry out, please contact the Research Software Engineering team before you begin, as this facility may not be an appropriate environment for you.
Be considerate when submitting jobs via Slurm. If you submit many hundreds of jobs within a short space of time this may prevent other users of the facility from having a fair share of the available resources.
If any user is found abusing the job submission system and preventing others from submitting or running jobs they will be requested to cease submitting new jobs. Their existing backlog of pending jobs may also be purged in order to allow others to continue using the system.
The login nodes are for low-intensity, interactive work such as managing your files, compiling code, running short test cases and submitting jobs.
Do not run intensive or long running jobs or attempt to set up port forwards on the login nodes. The login nodes are shared between all users and can easily be disrupted by intensive jobs. Use Slurm to submit jobs to the compute nodes instead or book out an interactive desktop or application via Open OnDemand instead if the login node is not appropriate.
Jobs that cause problems on the login nodes, or fit in to the above categories of use will be killed.
No areas on the HPC facilities are intended for long-term data storage and they should not be used for those purposes. Backup and archival of data is outside the scope of any existing services offered by HPC.
If the /nobackup filesystem becomes very full, we reserve the right to remove files belonging to people whose use is excessive or that are old and not in use, in order to allow the system to continue functioning.
Use the local storage on compute nodes ($TMPDIR) for large temporary files and intensive I/O during your jobs - writing back to /nobackup often during jobs is both (a) wasteful and (b) disruptive to other jobs.
Remember that the security of your data is your responsibility. If your work involves data that can identify individuals or that are sensitive for commercial or other reasons, be aware of all relevant legal and commercial requirements and take responsibility for compliance (See TRE, above). Genetic and biometric data are considered sensitive under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). See Research Data Management.
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