Our policies section describes the way we manage the HPC services, our support to you, and the expectation Newcastle University has of you, as a user of the HPC services.
These policies are in addition to all existing staff/student guidance, but specifically those of the IT Service, through which the HPC facility is accessed:
Our policies relating to the request and provision of accounts and creation of HPC projects.
Policies - Access, Accounts & Projects
Our definitions of what the HPC facilities can be used for and what constitutes unacceptable behaviour or utilisation of resources.
Policies - Acceptable Use
Managing access to, and payment for the use of premium compute resources.
Policies - Billing & Funds
Data storage, retention and handover policies.
Policies - Data
General software policies and guidance for specific applications.
Policies - Software
Policies and workflow for the request of Advanced & High Performance Equipment outside of our normal HPC facility provision.
Advanced & High Performance equipment request
These pages have recently been changed or updated within the Policies & Procedures section:
Table of Contents
Main Content Sections
Documentation Tools